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Thursday , July 19 , 2001

Well, here it is the launch of Far Away Times. I hope you all enjoy reading this as I will enjoy making it. Yes it is a Chrono Trigger parody if you want more info on whether I'm sticking to the same story line or what not check the Other Stuff section which contains the FAQ. I must point out and thank 8-Bit Theatre and RPG World, it is from their great comics that I draw my inspiration from.

I probably should introduce myself a little. I'm just a poor college student trying to make a few people laugh. This is a little hobby on the side of my ever increasingly crammed life. I am not doing this with the thought of money in return (although any is appriciated!), but because I wanted to create something to be proud of and that others could enjoy. Well now you know about me.

At current the page looks pretty bare, any suggestions on spiffying it up a little (is spiffying even a word...)? Oh well, I leave it up to you, the demanding public, suggestions. Until later then.

All images are copyrighted to SquareSoft a great company I must say and really shouldn't have time to sue little old me for having just a wee bit of fun with their images. Bless the almighty Square god *bows*.